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Editing Process

We start by reading through your manuscript twice. Once to fix most of the errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure). The second time is to gain a grasp of the story, be sure it makes sense and flows nicely, and fix any missed errors we missed during the first round. During the edits, we will make a spreadsheet of all names, places, and descriptions. We do this so we can make sure everything is spelled the same throughout as well as make sure descriptions stayed consistent.


When we are making edits, we use a program called, "Track Changes". this allows you to 'accept' or 'reject' any edits we make. This program also allows us to write a comment on a particular part of your manuscript if we are unsure of what you are trying to say or if we have a suggestion. You can either okay, delete, or reply to the comment for further discussion. Once you make these adjustments, we will read it a third time just to make sure all errors are caught and things still flow properly after changes have been made. This is what we refer to as a "Quick Read."


Edit This One charges per hour in U.S. Funds. Depending on the extent of edits, we are usually able to edit 10-15 pages per hour. We use a timer when working on your manuscript. If we get up and do something else during the editing process, we will pause the timer and start it up again once we return to it.


We will send a weekly spreadsheet (used as an invoice) with what we do each day, how long it takes, and your account balance. Once your account has a $0.00 balance, we stop editing until we receive another payment. You have the choice of how many hours to pay at one time, in 10-hour increments. You must have a $0.00 balance each time before your work is returned to you.


When we send your manuscript back with the edits, we will also attach a comment page. There may be some questions during the process so we will send an email, text, or phone you at that time if we need answers before we proceed. 


If you decide to go with Edit This One, we will email a contract to you for your review and signature.


We will work TOGETHER until YOU are satisfied with what you have created.


We look forward to helping make your project enjoyable for all!!


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